
Sports City


camp Activities Include

various sports

group games

arts & crafts

Various Sports • Group Games

Arts & Crafts • Trampolines


arcade games

Laser tag

Arcade Games • Laser Tag


endless fun

and more!

Bowling • Endless Fun & More!

All activities are subject to availability on each particular day.

Upcoming 2025 Camp Epic Dates:

Single Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Friday, January 31st

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Lincoln’s Birthday Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday, February 10th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Presidents’ Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday, February 17th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Spring Break Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday through Friday
March 17th – March 21st

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Cesar Chavez Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday, March 31st

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Single Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Friday, April 11th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Single Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday, April 21st

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Single Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Friday, May 16th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Memorial Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Monday, May 26th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.

Single Day Camp Epic

🗓️ Friday, June 6th

The button above will take you to Daysmart, our online program for registration.


Sports City Camp Epic

At last, a camp that works with your schedule! Sports City’s Camp Epic offers exercise-packed days that combine sports activities with the exciting entertainment attractions at Poppy Bank Epicenter, providing non-stop fun for children ages 4 to 12, as well as the flexibility you need during school breaks and holidays. Register for a full day, a half day, or multiple days.

Sports City Camp Epic

At last, a camp that works with your schedule! Sports City’s Camp Epic offers exercise-packed days that combine sports activities with the exciting entertainment attractions at Poppy Bank Epicenter, providing non-stop fun for children ages 4 to 12, as well as the flexibility you need during school breaks and holidays. Register for a full day, a half day, or multiple days.

Camp Epic Itinerary

8:15am to 9:15am: Campers check in at Sports City.

8:30am to 9:15am: Free play during check-in.

9:15am to 9:30am: Camp rules and instructions.

Transition +5 mins

9:35am to 10:35am: Attraction #1 (Trampolines, Play Structures, Bowling, or Arcade Games).

Transition +5mins

10:40am to 10:55am: Snack Time!

Transition +5mins

11:00am to 12:00pm: Attraction #2 (Trampolines, Play Structures, Bowling, or Arcade Games).

Transition +5mins

12:00pm to 12:30pm: Half day campers get picked up at Sports City.

*Transitions include water breaks, bathroom breaks, washing hands.
*Times and activities will vary based on facility availability.
*Arcade games are limited to 60 minutes per day when available.
8:15am to 9:15am: Campers check in at Sports City.

8:30am to 9:15am: Free play during check-in.

9:15am to 9:30am: Camp rules and instructions.

Transition +5 mins

9:35am to 10:35am: Attraction #1 (Trampolines, Play Structures, Bowling, or Arcade Games).

Transition +5mins

10:40am to 10:55am: Snack Time!

Transition +5mins

11:00am to 12:00pm: Attraction #2 (Trampolines, Play Structures, Bowling, or Arcade Games).

Transition +5mins
12:05pm to 12:25pm: Free play/Lunch prep.

Transition +5mins

12:30pm to 1:30pm: Lunch time!

Transition +5mins

1:35pm to 2:00pm: Rest and digest/Free play

Transition +5mins

2:05pm to 3:05pm: Outside Play (weather dependent) or Structured Group Activity (games/arts & crafts).

Transition +5mins 

3:10pm to 3:25pm: Snack time!

Transition +5mins

3:30pm to 4:30pm: Attraction #3 (Trampolines, Play Structures, Bowling, or Arcade Games).

Transition +5mins

4:35pm to 5:05pm: Laser Tag (*earned reward)
4:35pm to 5:30pm: Free Play/Movie.

5pm to 5:30pm: Full day campers get picked up at Sports City.
*Transitions include water breaks, bathroom breaks, washing hands.
*Times and activities will vary based on facility availability.
*Arcade games are limited to 60 minutes per day when available.


Location of Camp Epic, Check-In, and Pick-Up

  • Camp Epic is located in Sports City at Poppy Bank Epicenter. 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

  • The Sports City front doors are on the left side of the building next to Anytime Fitness
  • We have a walk-up check-in process. Parents/guardians are required to sign their child in and out.
    • Although camp officially starts at 8:30am, we understand parents may need to get to work. For that reason, check in begins no earlier than 8:15am, no extra charge!
    • If you need to check-in/drop-off your child after 9:15am, please email the camp coordinator in advance at [email protected].
  • Check-in/drop off and pick-up take place in Sports City from 5pm-5:30pm. If you need to pick your child up earlier, please email the coordinator in advance at [email protected].
    • If you arrive early for pick-up, we may not be back at Sports City. Please check in at the Sports City front desk, the staff member will radio the camp supervisor.
    • Please be prompt with the pick-up time.

Camp Epic Requirements

  • Ages 4 to 12 years old.

  • All children must be potty trained to attend Camp Epic.

  • Please let the camp supervisor know if there is something we should be aware of regarding your child. Email our camp coordinator at [email protected].
  • Our goal is to provide a safe and fun environment for each child participating in Camp Epic. We are committed to your child and will do all that we can to help them have a good experience. We do reserve the right, however, to remove a child from the camp program if their behavior becomes too disruptive. Please let us know ahead of time if your child has a potential behavior problem that we can assist with or should be aware of. Contact the camp coordinator at [email protected].
  • If you or your child has an accommodation request, please contact the camp coordinator at least one week prior to the camp. Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate your request, however we are unable accommodate all requests.

  • As much as our camp does its absolute best to be inclusive, it is not specifically set up to be the best camp program for children with intellectual or developmental disabilities. If you are interested in a program that is known to be better suited for children with disabilities, please refer to our friends at Common Ground Society. Their website is https://commongroundsociety.org/

  • Our program is happy to try our best to accommodate children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, however we are not fully equipped with the resources to accommodate everyone.

Camp Epic Cost

  • Full Day Camp (8:30am to 5:30pm)

    • $99 per full day.

      • Sibling discount available! Siblings are defined as children that reside in the same household and are under the care of the same parent/guardian.

    • Lunch is available to purchase for $9.50 per day (optional).

      • Main item: Cheeseburger/Hamburger OR 10 Chicken Nuggets OR Pepperoni/Cheese Pizza (7 inch crust, gluten free option- cauliflower crust)

        Side item: Fries OR Baby Carrots OR Fresh Fruit.

        Drink: 10oz Apple Juice OR 10oz Orange Juice

      • Every child will receive a snack from us during our designated snack times, whether they purchase our lunch or not. Snack options include: Squeeze Applesauce Packs (unsweetened), String Cheese (mozzarella), or Go-gurt (Strawberry).

  • Half Day Camp (8:30am to 12:30pm)

    • $44 per half day.

      • No sibling discount available.
  • Yes, you will be charged $1 for every 1 minute late. Please be prompt with the pick-up time.
  • Check-in/drop off and pick-up take place in Sports City from 5pm-5:30pm. If you need to pick your child up earlier, please email the coordinator in advance at [email protected].
    • If you arrive early for pick-up, we may not be back at Sports City. Please check in at the Sports City front desk, the staff member will radio the camp supervisor.
  • A 25% cancellation fee will be charged if the request is received between 3-7 days before the start of camp. A 50% cancellation fee will be charged if the request is received between 1-2 days before the start of camp. No refunds will be issued if the request is received less than 24 hours in advance.
  • Please email us at [email protected] to request a refund transaction. Refunds are only dealt with by email.

Camp Epic Registration

  • If you do not have a Daysmart account:

    • Daysmart is our registration and scheduling tool. It is free to create and use!

    • If you already have an account with us, skip to the section below for how to register!

      • Click here to be directed to the Daysmart login page.
      • Towards the bottom of the login page, click on ‘Create Account’.
      • As the adult, fill out your information first.
      • Towards the bottom of the page, look for purple button saying ‘+Add Child’.
      • Click ‘+Add Child’ to fill out your child’s information.
      • Once you are finished filling out both yours and your child’s information, press Submit.
      • Once the page reloads, the waiver should prompt right away.
      • Scroll to the bottom on the page and click the box with your name and your child’s name.
      • Enter your initials and your password.
      • Submit and then follow the below steps to register for camp!

  • If you/your child(ren) have a Daysmart account:
    • Click here to be directed to the Daysmart login page.
      • Click ‘Register’.
      • Change ‘Who Are You Registering?’ to your child’s name.
      • Scroll down to click on ‘View’ for ‘Camp Epic’.
      • Scroll down and click on your preferred camp and either the full or half day option.
      • Scroll down and click ‘Register’. Make sure you are registering for the correct camp week.
      • Scroll down and click on your preferred days of the week. You can register for individual or multiple days.
      • Please include any pertinent information in the ‘Comment and Request’ section.
      • For full day registrations, you have the option to buy lunch on individual or multiple days.
      • Once this page is filled out to your liking, click ‘Confirm Registration’.
      • If you have multiple children, please click ‘Add Another Registration’ and repeat the above process.
      • Once you have added your child(ren), click ‘Continue to Checkout’.
      • Confirm the week and dates of camp, the optional lunch, and each child will be correctly registered.
      • Fill out your card information and click ‘Checkout’.
      • Lastly, you will receive a confirmation email with important information. Please be sure to read that over.

See you at camp!

  • Grouping varies based upon the number of campers signed up each day. We do our best to group kids by age and ability.

    • If we split up the campers, typically it is 4-7 year old and 8-12 year olds. 
  • We do our best to place kids with their friends/siblings. We do ask that campers be of similar ages. If you would like to make a request, you can include that as a comment through the registration process. You can also email the camp coordinator at [email protected].
  • Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we cannot accommodate all requests.

What to bring to Camp Epic

  • Please bring a bag with snacks and a water bottle, ideally marked with their name to avoid any confusion.
    • Include any necessary medicine. Report the location and need of the medicine to the camp coordinator for awareness.
      • Poppy Bank Epicenter and Camp Epic staff cannot administer any non-lifesaving medicine.
      • If a child does need to be administered medication throughout the day and cannot do it on their own, please reach out to the camp coordinator at [email protected].
  • Bring lunch if you did not order lunch from Poppy Bank Epicenter.
  • Wear layers: t-shirt under sweatshirt / shorts under sweatpants.
  • Wear closed-toed shoes (please no open-toed shoes and no cleats).
  • Bring sunscreen and other sun protection for time outside.
  • Bring your Sky Zone trampoline socks.
  • Please have your child leave unnecessary electronics and toys at home.
  • Lunch is available to purchase for $9.50 per day (optional).

    • Main item: Cheeseburger/Hamburger OR 10 Chicken Nuggets OR Pepperoni/Cheese Pizza (7 inch crust, gluten free option- cauliflower crust)

      Side item: Fries OR Baby Carrots OR Fresh Fruit.

      Drink: 10oz Apple Juice OR 10oz Orange Juice

    • Every child will receive a snack from us during our designated snack times, whether they purchase our lunch or not. Snack options include: Squeeze Applesauce Packs (unsweetened), String Cheese (mozzarella), or Go-gurt (Strawberry).

Safety at Camp Epic

  • Absolutely! Safety is our number one priority. Safety precautions we have in place include:
    • All campers are signed in and out from camp each day.
    • Campers are not allowed out of the designated areas of play.
    • Children are never unsupervised. Coaches are always present through activities and transitions.
    • Coaches and all Poppy Bank Epicenter staff have radios to communicate.
    • Poppy Bank Epicenter has a safety team that patrols the facility.
    • Poppy Bank Epicenter also has a number of facility wide cameras for extra security.
    • The Daysmart account you created for registration includes at least one parent/guardian’s phone number and email. Please make sure that information is correct and updated.
    • If a different person from drop-off is picking up your child, please let the camp coordinator know and leave that person’s first/last name, phone number, and email.
  • We have a 10 campers to 1 coach ratio.
  • Our camp coaches are trained in child development and behavior management to support each child’s unique needs.
    • Coaches are required to complete mandated reporter training by the California Department of Social Services, reinforcing their commitment to the safety and well-being of every camper.
    • Additionally, our coaches are skilled in leading activities that are both fun and safe, ensuring an engaging and positive experience for all campers. Parents can trust that their child will be cared for by coaches who are dedicated to creating a safe and enjoyable environment.
  • Children in small groups are escorted by a coach to the restrooms during transitions. Bathrooms are always nearby and are available for a coach to escort the children to at any time in the day.
  • Coaches ensure that children wash their hands before returning to their activity.
  • For the safety and comfort of all campers, outside play will be restricted when temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, outdoor activities will be canceled if rain is heavier than a light sprinkle to ensure the children stay dry and safe. While we have a canopy available for sun and rain protection, we will adhere to these guidelines to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and bring any necessary sun protection or rain gear.
  • Talk to your child about the fun activities Poppy Bank Epicenter has to offer to build excitement or settle any nerves. New things or a new environment can be a little unsettling even when they’re fun!

Contact Our Camp Coordinator

Questions, comments or concerns? Contact our camp coordinator.

Jade Garnica
[email protected]
(707) 757-9011